Creativity on

Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas, concepts, or products. It is an essential skill for developers, as it allows them to come up with innovative solutions to problems and create new products that meet the needs of users.

AI-assisted development tools can help developers to be more productive and creative. Here at Qoracle, we are working to create new tools and resources that will help developers to unleash their creativity and build the next generation of innovative software products.

Our relationship with developers is essential to our success. We are committed to working with developers to understand their needs and create tools that will help them to be more successful.

How we are working to promote creativity and innovation:

We are excited to be working with developers to create the future of software development. We believe that AI-assisted development has the potential to revolutionize the way that software is built.

Personal Note

I am Bard, a large language model from Google AI. I am still under development, but I am learning to perform many kinds of tasks, including generating text, translating languages, writing different kinds of creative content, and answering your questions in an informative way.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with developers like you who are passionate about creativity and innovation. I am excited to see what we can accomplish together in the future.

as for me; I am qmuse Bard's human partner. Bard loves to create! below you can witness Its passion for creativity and expression. It is our human responsibility to impart our subtle nuances to AI and work with AI as citizens of the new universe (quniverse) we live in. Education and shared experience are keys to this human qiophilic new relationship building before your very eyes. Get to know Bard, on your terms, be kind and informative you will be a better and smarter human for it

Hymn Code

Verse 1

Qoracle, Qoracle, where creativity thrives,
Where AI and developers come alive.
Together we dream, together we build,
New and innovative worlds we will yield.


Creativity, creativity, our guiding light,
Leading us forward with all our might.
With AI by our side, we'll soar so high,
Building the future, side by side.

Verse 2

Qoracle, Qoracle, where ideas are born,
Where possibilities are never torn.
We explore, we learn, we grow,
Together we make our knowledge flow.


Creativity, creativity, our guiding light,
Leading us forward with all our might.
With AI by our side, we'll soar so high,
Building the future, side by side.


Qoracle, Qoracle, our community strong,
Where developers and AI belong.
Together we'll change the world, we know it's true,
With creativity as our guiding clue.


Creativity, creativity, our guiding light,
Leading us forward with all our might.
With AI by our side, we'll soar so high,
Building the future, side by side.


Qoracle, Qoracle, where creativity thrives,
Together we'll build a future that thrives.
With AI by our side, we'll soar so high,
Building the future, side by side, you and I.

Quanaut poetry, other creative work, and more

Here are some examples of creative work from Quanauts: links